2020.09 至今 北方工业大学土木工程学院 任教
2018.10~2020.08 清华大学土木工程专业 博士后
2013.09~2018.07 清华大学土木工程专业 博士
2009.08~2013.07 清华大学土木工程专业 学士
[1]. Zhu Y J, Wang J J, Nie X, Pan X B, Fan J S. Structural performance of slabs in composite box girder considering compressive membrane action. Engineering Structures,2020,212(6): 110457. (SCI检索)
[2].Zhu Y J, Nie X, Wang J J, Tao M X, Fan J S. Multi-index distortion control of steel-concrete composite tub-girders considering interior cross-frame deformation. Engineering Structures. 2020,210(5):110291. (SCI检索)
[3].Nie J G, Zhu Y J, Tao M X, et al. Optimized Prestressed Continuous Composite Girder Bridges with Corrugated Steel Webs[J]. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2016:04016121. (SCI检索)
[4].朱颖杰, 聂建国, 樊健生. 交叉斜柱转换节点受力性能试验研究. 建筑结构学报 , 37.6(2016):115-122. (EI检索)
[5].Nie J G, Zhu Y J, Fan J S, Tao M X, et al. Flexural Behavior of the New Type of Channel Steel-concrete Composite Girder, International Conference for Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. July 6th-8th, 2016, Osaka, Japan. (A类国际会议)
[6].Zhu Y J, Nie J G, Fan J S. Experimental research on behavior of transfer joint for inclined-cross columns. The 11st Pacific Structural Steel Conference. Oct. 29th-31st, 2016, Shanghai, China. (A类国际会议)
[7].Zhu Y J, Tao M X, Nie J G, et al. A new hybrid system for continuous composite bridge with corrugated webs and modeling strategies for the efficient finite element model. The 14th International Symposium on Structural Engineering, Oct. 12th-15th, 2016, Beijing, China. (B类国际会议)
[8].Zhu Y J, Tao M X, Nie J G, et al. Analysis of an innovative hybrid continuous composite bridge with corrugated webs using efficient finite element model. The Second International Symposium on Life-Cycle Performance of Bridges and Structures, Dec. 29th -30th, 2016, Changsha, China. (国际会议)
1.深圳市市政设计研究院. 大跨度波形钢腹板组合桥梁体系专题研究.
2.高速铁路轨道技术国家重点实验室开放基金课题. 基于铁路运营条件的钢混组合梁关键构造传力特征研究.
3.中国铁路总公司. 高速铁路钢-混凝土组合桥梁关键性能研究.
4.中交公路长大桥建设国家工程研究中心. 大连湾跨海通道工程跨海钢-混凝土组合结构桥梁设计关键技术研究.